GnuPG key
I am updating my GnuPG key, please see how this may matter to you.
Here is my GPG (RSA) public key fingerprint. You can download the full key or request the detailed version on
pub 4096R/FFFFFFFE 2009-10-23
OTR key
If you want to chat with me over a secure connection, my OTR fingerprint
is E47606B8 879350A0 3D4001E7 0AE4FEFE E63E5C3B
Old keys
Here are my old keys. They still help make the web of trust strong, but I no longer use them.
- old DSA key: full key / detailed version
- older DSA key: full key / detailed version (this key is in the web of trust's top 50)
- very old RSA key: full key / detailed version
geek code
Here is my geek code version 3.1 (text version and translation available).